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Taking Your
Posture Photos

In order for me to see how your body has currently 'organised' itself, I need to see some photos of you standing. 

Taking some photos for me of you standing front on, facing each side, and facing away from the camera means I can see you body from all angles. 

Please don't try and correct your posture, just let your body stand and hang how it wants! 

It can be easier to take a short video and then do screenshots from there, see below what I need. 

How to Set Up

What to Wear


​​*Set up the camera at around waist height, ensuring I can see you top to toe.

*Stand on a flat surface, ideally with a blank background.

*Ensure the room is bright, daylight is best if possible. 

*​Bare feet! This is super important, no shoes or socks are to be worn. 

*On your lower half either shorts (where I can see your knees) or leggings.

*On your top half a vest/crop top/bra top (for females) or bare chested (for males), if you feel comfortable to do so. If not, a fitted top can be worn.

*The less you have on top the more I can see of your amazing body.


What to Do

1) Take a photo facing the camera 

2) Turn 90 degrees to the left to face the left, take a photo

3) Turn another 90 degrees to the left so you are now facing the back, take a photo

4) Turn another 90 degrees to the left so you are facing the last wall you have not looked at, take a photo


Alternatively, take a video following these guidelines:


1) Start facing the camera. Hold it there for a few seconds.

2) Turn 90 degrees to the left to face the left, shake off if you want to ensure you aren't consciously trying to stand a certain way.

3) Stay still for a few seconds.

4) Turn another 90 degrees to the left so you are now facing the back.

5) Stay still for a few seconds.

6) Turn another 90 degrees to the left so you are facing the last wall you have not looked at.

7) Stay still for a few seconds.


Now, play the video back and take a screenshot of you facing each wall. 

See below for an example video. 

Example Video

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