Making Your
Gait Video
In order for me to start to understand your body, how it moves and any movements you may be avoiding, I need to see you in motion.
Recording a short 'Gait' video for me will give me a chance to study how your body moves while you walk.
Below are some instructions on how to record your video, and at the bottom of the page are an example video and photo.
Where to Film
How to Set Up

What to Wear

What to Do
*You need to be in a room or wide corridor, with a flat, even surface.
*Ensure the room is bright, daylight is best if possible.
*The room will need to be long enough for you to walk 5 paces, throughout which your whole body (head to toe) can be seen by the camera.
​​*Set up the camera at around waist height, central to where you will be walking.
*You can have a friend film it for you if easier.

*​Bare feet! This is super important, no shoes or socks are to be worn.
*On your lower half either shorts (where I can see your knees) or leggings.
*On your top half a vest/crop top/bra top (for females) or bare chested (for males), if you feel comfortable to do so. If not, a fitted top can be worn.
*The less you have on top the more I can see how your body and spine move.

1) With your back to the camera, walk 5 - 6 paces away from the camera.
2) Turn around to face the camera, and walk 5 - 6 paces towards the camera.
3) Repeat the first two steps another 2 times.
Don't think about how you're walking or your posture, walk how you usually would.